The friendlier of our two barn cats.

My host grandmother/principal Darika, making her daily car-wheel sized loaf of bread.

Super fun lady's fashion hour.

My host sister getting up to no good.

One day I came home from school and there were some cows in our yard. I think they're ours?

Former soviet playground, part 1.

Former soviet playground, part 2.

My host mother, on my first weekend in Satsulukidzeo. It was snowy and windy and she walked me into town in stilettos. Naturally.

E. Gegias K. Here's to learning a new alphabet and graduating from pre-K to kindergarten!

My first supra at a friend's house in Kutaisi.

The prayer room in my school. It's a public school. But an Orthodox Christian nation. So...

Literally, the school bell. There's also a cow bell we sometimes use.

Epic street dogs abound in my village.

Russian mapography.

Snowy days and pickled things.

The bizarre log cabin restaurant we ate at several times in Zugdidi. Strange atmosphere, great food.

What a rowdy bunch.

Amerikidan Bar in Zugdidi. An ex-pat haven.

The Zugdidi hostel, definitely in my top ten list of hostels. Of course I can count the hostels that I've stayed at on one hand, but still.