Monday, April 25, 2011

Watched: Wristcutters: A Love Story

Cute enough. If I'm going to watch a romantic comedy, I prefer that it is at least be: a) ACTUALLY comedic, b) ACTUALLY romantic, and c) somewhat unconventional. This manages to more or less fulfill all three of those requirements, and even though I'm not a huge fan of either of the leads (I know some people probably like Patrick Fugit from Almost Famous but I think his voice sounds like a perpetual whine, and for most of the roles I've seen Shannyn Sossamon in, she just plays Manic Pixie Dream Girls, here being no different, blegh) but it has a great supporting cast including Tom Waits! Jake Busey! Jerry! Sol Star! Ron Swanson! Bobby! GOB!!* And the premise is an interesting enough hook, I think. Basically, those who commit suicide are damned to a shittier, more mundane version of the lives they were already living. But without their loved ones (except, of course, for those whose whole families have committed suicide. Which, as we learn in Wristcutters, is a thing that happens). Anyway, the film does have some visual appeal and the guy who plays Fugit's Russian pal, Shea Wigham, is pretty funny. Much like TiMER, Der Himmel uber Berlin, or Happy Accidents, it's a fairly sweet romance inside of an intriguing scifi/fantasy film. Which is alright by me.

*character names. Most of the time, this is how I remember actors.

1 comment:

  1. what is the joke on someone/something being cute in the movie?
