Tuesday, January 17, 2012

On the Banks of the Mt'k'vari



Ek'lesia. (Church.)

George W. Bush Street. Funny story this guy from Ottawa told me about Bush St., in Georgia they will add a vowel, usually the -ee sound to the end of nouns that end in consonants. So Bush becomes Bushi, which according to this guy means 'asshole' in qartuli. Bushi. Good stuff.

Evidence of my travels! (I had to hand these in to the people running my program, who I presume use them like receipts, but I wanted to save them for posterity, as well.)

There's what I think is an electricity tower that they have on a hill somewhere to the west (at least I think so, it's in the opposite direction from where I saw the sun rise on my first morning here ), and at night it lights up. And the lights change in patterns, like those strings of Christmas lights that turn off and on in sync with music. It's like some sort of strange, beautiful post-Soviet Eiffel Tower. In the second picture I tried to catch both the tower and one of several very old churches that can be seen in the mountains on the edge of town [to the right, the one that looks like it's being lit from below]. Maybe not a great picture but a very cool view to have from my sast'umro.

Rustaveli Avenue, all gussied up for the holidays, presumably.

Tavisupleba (Freedom) Square, the monument to St. George.

The classiest McDonald's of them all.


  1. how is this from atlanta ?

  2. Looks a lot less scary than I was thinking! I didn't even see any goats! :D Take pictures of your hotel rooms and stuff too! Do they have wacky bathrooms? XD
