I cannot think of a single situation in which the getup, in all its medieval damsel-y glory, would even come close to being appropriate or comfortable or anything that is not completely socially retarded (save maybe a Ren fair), but... I just love that color, and the piping, and even the weird turtleneck/hoodie/crown combination. It's all very regal and pretty and I'm not going to apologize for liking it. I'm not!
I just want it. That is all.
Also... Mellie!! I forgot she was in anything besides Gone With the Wind, but apparently Olivia de Havilland had a life outside of being Scarlet's milquetoast, lily-livered friend. Go figure? And it was filled with Errol Flynn. Who is one of those early Hollywood hearthrobs (like Rudolph Valentino and Laurence Olivier) that I just don't get. So anyway. Dress- yes, please; Flynn, Valentino, Olivier- pass.