Friday, September 17, 2010

Watched: Don't Look Now

Despite being a very intimately filmed movie about a highly personal topic which features a lot of lifelike shots (handheld camera, POV shots, general awkwardness), this film still feels oddly detached. Like, everything matters yet nothing does. The visuals and themes come full circle, yet there are random moments (the sisters laughing hysterically was the most striking, for me) that are jarring and never seem to be given much context. So, was I scared? Not particularly. Was I unnerved? Kind of. I'm still not entirely convinced Julie Christie is a great actress despite having seen her in a few things (Dr. Zhivago, Fahrenheit 451, Finding Neverland). Which isn't to say she's bad, just that she seems to be playing the same kind of nervous, unhappy woman in everything I've seen her in. Oh well. Donald Sutherland, on the other hand, I thought was extremely effective in this. He seems weirdly vulnerable.

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