Friday, March 23, 2012

Video Killed the Radio Star

A couple short, silent-style films from my prehistoric digital camera. Enjoy the creepy stylings of FujiFilm 100!

First, the view from Tbilisi's mountains:

Next, my three year old host brother Nkusha on a drunken tear. The dance he's doing at the beginning of the video is the Nkusha version of the traditional Georgian dance:

The cow that someone let into the town of Khoni's broken down, rusted amusement park. Keep in mind that this fence had no openings in it, so someone went to great pains to get this cow in there:

Another cow-themed video, this time of the cow that snuck in the traffic circle in the "city" center of Khoni, to help itself to some of that untrodden grass. Alas, it was not long before its dreams were dashed:

Inside the beautiful Gelati monastery (you might want to skip this one if you have motion sickness issues. Also, sorry for the part where I point the camera at the floor. The woman I walked past was giving me a seriously nasty look for filming so I had to pretend like that wasn't what was happening for a minute.):

Finally, outside the monastery. Just taking in the beautiful day...

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