Monday, April 27, 2009

I see skies of blue and clouds of white.

Pretty good weekend. Got silly and drunk on Friday night, fell asleep at 41 Stone (which seems appropriate, somehow, for the last party). Woke up at 8 AM on the dot and ran home to shower, eat and pack before driving into the city. Left the car at my parents' apartment with my dad and wandered around the Hell's Kitchen and Chelsea flea markets for a while before walking uptown to the MoMA for the screening of Stroszek. After Stroszek I found a cafe where I intended to work but instead fell asleep (I always feel a little weird about sleeping in public places but this couldn't really be helped). Returned to the MoMA for the Reverse Shot Screening and then upon attempting to find the 6 walked four blocks in the wrong direction. By the time I backtracked the four blocks and walked another five to get to the subway my feet were blistered and bleeding, yuck. Came home made myself some sandwiches and passed out.

Woke up early this morning to write the review for the Inside Beat, fell back asleep, woke back up to get breakfast with my parents, Ben, and Casey then headed back to New Brunswick. Laid in bed and stared out the window for an hour and a half and then went to work at 5. We had the Gerlanda's Olympics tonight since its our last shift together, including "blind food/drink tasting", "timed tray runs", "the bagel toss", "timed shelf clean", "tray spin/relay race" and "bet on when King Pita starts playing Shaggy's Wasn't Me".

I won the bet. Marie won the Olympics. Much fun was had. But now I am very tired and my feet are very sore and I've got a shower with my name on it.

One more week and then I'm done this awful terrible no good very bad semester.

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