Sunday, March 23, 2014

Watched: Cocktail

This is an insane 80's movie ruled by insane 80's people logic in which the hero's journey is transcribed onto the story of the rise and fall and rebirth of a fucking horrible asshole/bartender and his even worse person bartender mentor. Were people supposed to deeply care about anyone in this films, besides perhaps Elizabeth Shue? And why is the first half of the film like a love letter to corporate bars and bizarrely painful-looking sex scenes and the second is a sordid tale of crushing debt, failing marriages, unplanned pregnancies, demoralizing cougars and some bizarre late third act Romeo and Juliet bullshit? No one in this movie behaves in any way recognizable as a human being. Everything is so 1000% over the top.

Everything in this movie is absurd to the point of hilarity, Tom Cruise most of all. Watch with Rifftrax, if at all.


 Um. Okay, movie.

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