Thursday, May 13, 2010

Watched: Eine Frau in Berlin

(If you can't interpret that title, based on my previous entries, you are beyond help. Sorry. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.) From the director who did Aimee & Jaguar. Um, so.. RAPE. Lots and lots of rape. Pseudo-handsome Russian major who is... less rapey? Than the other Russians? But not really. And they're supposedly kind of justified because Germans started with whole "total war" thing and were like killing babies and shit. I don't know. I don't like these kind of movies, I don't care about anyone in this, and frankly I have a hard time mustering a whole lot of sympathy for these women when they are shown as still clinging to the hope that their fuhrer is going to save them. Just... blergh. No one wins. There's no happiness. Nothing even really happens, besides the women trying to make ongoing sexual abuse in an occupied city at the end of a war their country lost okay. And it's not okay.

But I still don't care.

And this dog is only used for about 10 seconds of the opening scene. That is just WRONG. Look at how cute it is. This dog could have saved the film. But no, Färberböck, you just wanted to be all fucking artsy and show the AUSTRIAN SHEPHARD as helpless and mangy because get it? The Austrian/German side lost? And now they're helpless like this dog. Which... okay, that is actually some very interesting imagery/symbolism.

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