Monday, February 7, 2011

Things I Thought About While Swimming this Morning.

Memories, misty water-colored memories. I never thought of myself as a movie freak growing up, but I guess I did watch a fair amount of them.

Five Favorite Disney Cartoons:
1. Lady and the Tramp
2. 101 Dalmatians
3. The Great Mouse Detective
4. Fantastia
5. Dumbo

Five Favorite Disney Movies:
1.The Parent Trap (either one, really, I loved them both. But I did see the original first.)
2. The Three Lives of Thomasina
3. Hocus Pocus
4. 101 Dalmatians
5. Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey

Ten favorite non-Disney, pre-Pixar cartoons:
1. The Last Unicorn
2. The Snow Queen
3. Gulliver's Travels
4. An American Tale: Fievel Goes West
5. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
6. The Land Before Time
7. The Wind in the Willows
8. Rikki-Tikki-Tavi
9. Rock-a-Doodle
10. All Dogs Go to Heaven

Twelve non-Disney Live Actions I was obsessed with as a kid:
1. The Neverending Story
2. The Neverending Story 2
3. Star Wars Trilogy (I'm counting this as one since I don't think I've ever not watched all three in a row)
4. Anne of Green Gables
5. The Polar Bear King
6. The Princess Bride
7. Ordinary Magic
8. The Sound of Music
9. The Peanut Butter Solution
10. The Witches
11. A Little Princess
12. Pippi Longstockings
(I know what you're thinking, no muppets? I'm not really sure why. Not enough princesses/dogs?)

Twelve Movies I'm pretty sure I would have been obsessed with if they'd come out when I was still a little kid:
1. Big Fish
2. Where the Wild Things Are
3. The Chronicles of Narnia movies
4. Avatar
5. The Golden Compass
6. Bolt
7. The Secret of Kells
8. Hellboy
9. Ratatouille
10. The Fantastic Mr. Fox
11. The Fall
12. Up

And in a completely unrelated note, but still a list I thought of while swimming...

Five Most Romantic Movies I've Ever Seen:
1. The Fountain (That's right. I said it. I meant it.)
2. La Belle et la Bete
3. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
4. Pride and Prejudice (I'll take the Firth or the Knightley version)
5. The Ghost and Mrs. Muir

So, yep. That's all. It's been a pretty random day but whatever, I amuse myself.

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