Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I watched Paris, J'etaime (I don't know if I'm spelling that right but I'm tired so bear with me) which was good, if a little pretentious. I feel like it's hard to go wrong with a film made of five-minute films; even the worse ones were over quickly and I didn't feel like many of them were that terrible, in fact most of them were sweet.

Otherwise, I've just been endlessly watching Heroes. I found out it was on Netflix Instant Watch and its been consuming my life since then. I'm halfway through the third season now, but I'm starting to lose interest so who knows if I'll finish it? Sylar's definitely the best character anyway, I have such a thing for bad boys.

I really need to stop spending money because I'm just taking away hard earned tattoo money, and I really wanted to be able to get this next piece by the end of the summer. I'm going to have to work on my oeconomy.

Some stuff:

Leaving the Holland TunnelFunhouse Mirrors Supercreepy hyperrealistic Princeton goat
Ben and his canine doppleganger

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