Monday, July 5, 2010

Watched: Party Down

I first caught Party Down last summer. It was the beginning of August and I was looking at a series of final assignments for my summer course which naturally meant that it was time for me to peruse Netflix Instant, a neverending wellspring of joy and procrastination. I recognized Rob Thomas's name from Veronica Mars, one of my all-time, top ten most favoritest of shows, so I decided to give it a go. I'm pretty sure I watched the whole season that night into the following day.

Well I finally got around to watching the season 2/series finale this morning. Great stuff. I felt pretty satisfied with the ending for all the characters, but more importantly, I was thrilled that they let Roman fly his freak flag. The hippy talking to Roman about a "purple tube of consciousness" was a nice tie-in to last season's finale, as was the fact that Roman accidentally got insanely high by snacking on what he had labeled "yak poo". I love cynical, sarcastic Roman as much as the next gal but uber-stoned Roman was just ridiculously funny. When the daughter asks him where her dad is and Roman completely spaces, asking her, "Where was I?"...I was dying. Also hilarious: Kyle singing about the struggle and Constance's irritation with Lydia. Finally, I think Casey's breakdown over the Apatow role and Henry's response were perfect for the show and their relationship. I was glad they left that open-ended, but optimistic.

All in all, I think the finale gave just enough to be a good series final...
But I'm still going to miss this show. Here's to hoping Rob Thomas's next project is equally as great as VM and PD and gets a little bit more time to flourish.

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