Sunday, February 12, 2017

Watched: Anne of Green Gables (1985)

Oh my God how I loved these movies when I was a kid. I mean it was a series about a plucky young ginger who liked reading and pretty dresses and just wanted to have a best friend and do well in school. She was basically a very melodramatic me. And possibly not even that much more than me. These actually hold up really well, I found myself laughing a few times (mostly at the actress Colleen Dewhurst's exceptionally dry performance as Anne's adoptive mother, Marilla). I still cried at the exact same scene in the movie that always made me cry as a kid. Although I have realized how very, very white a public access made-for-tv movie about a bunch of rural, Victorian Canadian villagers is. But I still love it.



Major house envy.


Oh Gilbert.

That is the best "oh shit" face.
Also, SO many pinafores in these "early years" scenes. SO. MANY. PINAFORES.

We've all been there, AnnE.

Just your classic teenage ginger girl's response to bullies, chase them onto private property.

Herein is a series a photos I took trying to capture that fact that SCUT FARKUS has one line in this series: 

The cherry cordial incident, classic.


Ugh that scenery though.


She literally twirls around chanting, "The puff! The puff!" I cringed. Sorry but that dress is straight up hideous.

Suddenly it's just all puff sleeves, all the time.

I mean seriously.



Ah, still romantic.

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