Sunday, February 12, 2017

Watched: Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

Hoth has always been one of my favorite planets from the original series. I just think it's cool and all the machinery they use on it is cool. Plus the fight with the AT-AT's was also one of my favorites, I don't really know why, maybe I just kind of liked that they were so clumsy. And as much as I like the Bantha's and as a kid I was certainly susceptible to the appeal of the Ewoks my most enduring favorite Star Wars creature (aside from Chewbacca, of course) are the tauntaun. That poor little tauntaun gives its life to keep Luke alive! That's true heroism. Anyway, WOW does this one get dark. Maybe no moment is quite as brutal as "Uncle Owen's singed skeleton laying in front of the family home" but it still gets psychologically dark. It's great.

This is a line that my brother and I still repeat to each other regularly.

Nerf herder is a great insult and this scene is only slightly diminished with the knowledge that Leia kisses the man she will later learn is her brother in order to prove a point to the man who will one day be the father of her treacherous, evil son. The Force Awakens spoilers!

The iconic images keep on coming.



Whomp whomp.

Such a great line.

Lando, also too cool. Although this is my least favorite Leia hair and I don't think she gets a whole lot to do in Cloud City. But she'll make up for it in the next movie.

There's another.

God, I love that shot! They did one similar in Rogue One, I think, or at least it looks similar from the trailer. I don't blame them. It's so cool looking.

Side note: Watching ANH and TESB in immediate succession really emphasizes just how different Mark Hammill's face looked after his accident. Like, it's still noticeably him because of the voice and the hair and they eyes yet the entire lower half of his face is just so weird and different.

Cool, just cool.

A much more subdued ending than the last time around, since Han is in carbonite and Vader is everybody's dad.

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