Sunday, May 15, 2016

Watched: Илья Муромец (Ilya Muromets/The Sword and the Dragon) [MST3K]

Racist. So, so racist. This is one of those old, semi-forgotten movies that has, like, a dozen titles because everyone named it something different when they released it in their country. Why you do that, movie people? Bizarre. Anyway, Wikipedia has a fun note about how the MST3K guys thought this movie was from Finland for some reason even though it's actually just Soviet (although maybe filmed there? I don't know) and so all the jokes are at the expense of the Finns. They're pretty good, to. Really skewers those upstart Finns and their bloated regard for their own historical epic poems. Which just happen to be WILDLY racist, in the cinematic incarnation. Yikes.

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