Sunday, March 26, 2017

Watched: Mary Poppins

Classic Disney musical doing what Disney musicals do best. It's amazing, rewatching this as an adult, to realize how dark of a story it really is. Between Mary's controlling, manipulative ways to get things the way she deems "right"  and her weird interactions with Bert to the parents' sad relationship and the odd things happening the neighborhood there's definitely a lot in this one that I didn't pick up on as a kid. I still think it drags a little in the middle though. That hasn't changed. (Dick Van Dyke really was gorgeous though, even when he was playing ridiculous cockney caricatures.)

Suffragists. Hey, it's the (former) bride of Frankenstein!

Self-promotion, much?


Animated animal abuse?

This scene is usually around the point where I closed my eyes for a few as a kid.

Dick Van Dyke does double duty.

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