Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Watched: 21 Grams

Some seriously towering performances in this one, but still at end of the day not a movie you want to re-watch. Sean Penn looking decidedly less leathery than he does these days. An intricate but not labrynthine plot that can be forgiven for fitting together a little too neatly for the punch it delivers at the end. Really beautiful direction by Iñárritu, who between this, Biutiful (which still haunts me, to this day) and Birdman, is probably one of my favorite directors. Let's not talk about Babel. One, because I haven't seen it. And two, because I've heard it's not very good. But instead let's talk about this film, and Biutiful, and how there are moments in these films that just scathe you. And how maybe you'll never want to watch again (unlike Birdman which I have already seen twice and foresee myself returning to in the future) but probably you'll never need to. You've already been affected. (I haven't seen Amores Perros either. It's on my list.)

It seems man of my favorite directors have that quality: David Fincher (although he is far more re-watchable, Se7en excluded), Darren Aronofsky, Tarsem Singh. Maybe some of their stuff invites revisiting more than others. But all of it is haunting, visually. I like that in a movie.

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